YouTube Play buttons : Everything You Should Know About !

                    YouTube play button, silver, gold, diamond

YouTube Play buttons or Youtube Creator Awards are provided to YouTube channel owners those who passes a certain Number of subscribers and Every single milestone already setted with few exception policy made by YouTube .

YouTube holds rights toward rewards a particular channel if A youtube channel not get any awards then consider never going get any YouTube play buttons and these are the exemptions or things prevent to get Play button which are changes made in policy few time back ago for more click here.

YouTube Play Button Lists

Earlier this awards only know as total number of available awards are three for youtube creators until few YouTube channel made a big achievement and rest is history.

1. Silver Play Button :-

This award is given when a youtube channel surpasse 100,000 subscriber.

what is special about this play button ?

 This silver play button is first award your going to receive as creators awards and it's first award which Youtube introduce for their creator to appricate hard work and already three times youtube changed designed, colour and sizes.

To give personal touch YouTube embedded your YouTube channel logo and name with written a message "congrats for surpassing 100,000 Subscriber".

2. Gold Play Button :- When a channel surpass 1 million subscribers then this award is rewarded to owner and facts every single day four channel claim their gold play button.

3. Diamond Play Button :- those channel who surpass 10 million subscribers milestone are rewarded and fact part currently 500 plus YouTube channel surpass 10 million and counting so on ( according to social blade).

Checkout Also these:-

1.  How To Grow A YouTub channel

2.  How Earn Money Without AdSense

4. Custom creators Awards :- those youtube channel who crossed 50 million subscribers milestone are rewarded and six channel surpassed this number, next channel are WWE, justin Bieber, Dube perfect and zee music company so on.

Fact, PewDiePie was first who surpass 50 million subscribers but also first channel who surpass 20 million subscribers.

5. Red Diamond Creator Award :- for those channel who surpass 100 million subscribers and currently own by two YouTube channels you name it.

Fact part atleast one or two year will be taken reach this milestone for any YouTube channel.

Subscriber milestone and benefits

A YouTube channel subscriber milestone  surpass are rewarded with benefits, its availed not in physical form rather than subsequently like custom url and enable super chat features.

100 Subscriber as a channel Crosses then you can have two features are below :-

1.  Now you have A channel custom URL and

2. Also you can use live stream feature from your mobile app but required a verified account with no live stream restriction on past 90 days period.

Opal, 1000 subscribers can Enable two features  alongside three benefits for creators are

1. First One which everyone wait for enable is monitizetion tab and of course it requires other conditions are 4000 hours watch time with adhere YouTube policies.

2. Super chat feature also enable which literally one of major source of youtuber earnings and you get live feedback during livestream with some donation money.

•  Creators Day  Allow a opportunity to meet and gain knowledge with other YouTube creator.

• Now a can visit YouTube space and their workshop activities happen near you.

• Come by local meet up for knowing local creator's to grow with them your channel.

5000 Subscriber :- As a youtube channel surpass this milestone after that Add a credit role who appeared in video and you can tag to other channels or company.

A credit role  is something where those material used in video making , a person show in video and other persons contribute in video easily you can give thier credit to some respect their work.

Why Your Not getting YouTube Play Button

There was a time when youtube automatically sends play buttons to owner but after constant finding on policy  and community guildlines specific violation .

Those things forces to take serious steps to encounter these problem in future instance introduce changes in policy to rewards by physically rewieving YouTube channels.

Those channel owners have Not received yet play button after completion of milestones or might not going receive because of below new criteria's.

1. Your YouTube channel should Have "Quality Content" .

2. There Has not have copyright claim  when you're channel reaching or surpassed subscribers milestone.

3. YouTube Community guidelines sould not violated by your channel are following  below :-

A ) Any Kind of Nudity : youtube states  neither this platform is place for this kind of content nor Support in any manner even if its belong to you then don't publish and they can take necessary action with law enforcement against owner.

B )  Hurtful or Dengrous content :  Specially those videos which provoke to perform dengrous act like actions
especially in case of child that could lead to prison and in most of countries this is offence.

C ) Hateful Content : Google products are available for freedom of expression but if any videos found then Google doesn't support or promotes in any means.

hatefull content should not for any single or group of people oppose violences on bases of colour, religion, origins, disability, gender and age etc.

those content mainly purpose of abuse in the stated above features then it crosses all bounders.

D ) Misleading or scam content : It's not good any channel to post video by misleading title, tags, description and thumbnail to unethically gain views and that is totally consider as misleading or spam by focusing on large number of audience but not suitable for your video.

4. Your YouTube channel should be as instructed in YouTube's Term of services.

Inshort Term of service are legal binding between a company who provide service and a person or group of person use thier services. 

The agreement between both parties states that a user of their services are agree upon terms of service.

5. A Content should be original and its must be created or made by yourself or your team, any content which is available in other than YouTube shall consider as copied content.

YouTube recently Stated it has freedom to decide upon who receives plaques, YouTube creater awards are given when a channel reaches on subscriber milestone but Certain nature of YouTube channel are not receiving as current reported by few creators.

its still unclear what is that nature but now this matter came under YouTube review and let's see how results came and you can check out this Google forum thread .

How to Redeem YouTube play buttons

To redeem your first play button required surpass certain subscribers milestone then within one week going see a notification in your channel dashboard before that a team review as discussed above.

Congrats for reaching this milestone and that notification include a code which help to get award on creators redemption website .

Most probably award going to reach you around 3 weeks and sometimes takes longer time according your location.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can Youtuber See who Disliked Video ?

Answer: In short No, youtuber can't see who Disliked there video and even who likes his Youtube video but if a youtuber set notification who subscribe his channel then probably has a subscribers list.

2.  Is being a YouTuber a good idea ?

Answer: Probably it's a Good idea being youtuber beacause probably as youtuber your going receive lots of perks but not always and its depends upon choice what kind of videos your going to make.

3. How can be i Successful on YouTuber ?

Answer: just start making video then see where it goes wrong, try again with new video include last video learning and one day you'll get desirable results and most of time going to be frustrating that time need have some. patience

4. How can I make viral video on YouTube ?

Answer : Making Viral Video that give lots of views, likes and ultimately subscribers currently there is no Gurrated recipe available beacause as my precipitation these factors play are core for any viral video :- 1. Timing, 2. Quality and 3. Audience reaction.

5. How to Grow a YouTube channel ?

Answer :  To Grow a YouTube channel required Continues Growth in Subscriber Number and video views which can countered with this methods.
