How To Get 1000 Subscribers on Youtube [Unbelievable Secrets]

Get 1000 subscribers on YouTube

Its not probably a job which can be done in one day at least for new YouTube channel, Get 1000 subscriber on YouTube one of the hurdle which come in way of monetisation and necessary to continue journey and finish on time if fail do that then soon come a time to close channel.

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A human being required necessary things to survive in this world like food, shelter, clothing and in same way to survive in taught competition you have to be eagerly look for opportunities.

opportunities always come for who analysis and give quick responses without crossing their categories like a digital marketing YouTuber can't make video on latest smartphone and review.

I believe if Properly excuted then its not going take more than 2 months thats right !  and lots of time you must heard that or done some research on how much  time took your favourite YouTuber complete his first 1000 subscriber.

its completely depend on one person to other person experience where how much you learn from it and experiences come with time and big numbers of video.

1. Is really content king ?

A YouTube channel on his lifetime views get only one percent subscriber from total number views to have more subscriber we need increase the level of smart work with cleaver idea's that has to be different but marvelous.

How many times did read or heard from your favourite YouTuber's because in reality its one hundred percent true and content quality is not something using expensive camera nor video editing software.

Their is single narrow line which divides a video going get viewers, like, share and Ultimates thing subscriber and lots of subscriber, whenever you come a idea to create a video please go and do a simple search in YouTube and Here i am going tell you secret of big YouTuber who earn as you can imagine too.

in mean time this post is starting point of time, Now you have idea let say and i assume too just for explaining how this works.

My idea is create a video on same title this post and if make a search on How to Get 1000 subscriber on YouTube then What i observes ( by searching on same keywords can be different results according geographical location )

I am taking first three videos of search only to explain and First  and second video was posted 6 months ago both of them having half of number views and third video was 3 months old having half views then second number video.

Now at this point of time we are clear that this topic is something to make on it but keep in mind your not going get same number of views or more until you make any difference with engaging content.

2. Less Compitive Topic : Does it works ?

When starting a YouTube channel we have low number of subscribers means low audience, Always a youtuber prefer to rank in first place video on search result and rank on first palace depends behind lots of factors that are some always unpredictable and undiscovered or might be ignored.

These factors are YouTube channel Age and subscribers, total views, average monthly new subscriber, likes and shares etc major factor most of time considered by YouTube but actually there more than this factor measured by YouTube.

We have get more and more subscriber a less competitive topic easily rank on YouTube but must use a keyword research tool to know expected monthly search on YouTube.

keywords research tools for YouTube there are lots of tools available some are paid and other are free tool. Keywords research paid tool website are Semrush, Moz, keywordtool etc and free keyword tools are Keywords everywhere ( its plugin which can be used for YouTube, Google, Amazon, bing etc), keywordtool ( this is freemium website) and ubersugest.

3. Description : Multiple keywords targeting and How ? 

let start with description, at least you have experience of tubebuddy and vidiQ this two plugin are recommended by seo guru but actually when you upload video and analysis by any plugins then everytime mark Checked sign until add at least 3 or 5 keywords top of description.

In reality never got expected what reason you wanna know because its old trick with work great according to their time but now its outdated if you still using it then most of time YouTube penalty your video.

This was now Know as keywords spamming where add unnecessary keywords and there is relation between tag and description like a article or you searched phrase of words in Google.

A description should be a summary of your video in this order first why is created means reason then what viewer gonna find it and little about 100 words where use main keyword of your video.

4. Tags :- A Ranking technique

Tags are also known as keywords, As more likely tags are found most of time putting in wrong manner and a tag should be added manually rather than any tag manager or other plugin.

Putting tags in YouTube video should be a  smart strategies not just like that andaA Strategie decided upon competition.

if majority of using short tags ( How to, cook, soup) then use broad tags ( How to cook soup) and other than using of tags can be done both of mix.

Always use primary keywords first then other, don't try use 500 words tags because YouTube can sue video a penalty results Less promotion means low number of views.

Side-by-Side technique

This method is named by me and i use with help of keyword research tool, Most appropriate tool would be Keywords everywhere plugin.

when competition is high and unable rank video on first page, High competition means huge number of Search on same topic then go YouTube search bar type main keyword only not whole ( Best laptops ).

YouTube search bar

This suggested keywords also have huge number of serches but use any one of them as main keyword.

Now click on each and every suggested keyword one by one if see any keywords low competition then go for it somehow answer is No then hold up here and Scroll down until related videos on same keywords.

this related is main keywords is used but topic is different meanwhile higher number of chances low competition and gain instant subscribers.

5. Consistent Upload

Number plays huge role for any YouTube channel from small to become a big brands. whenever a YouTube channel crosses a million (10 lakh) subscribers its not anymore a channel rather then  brand, a brand has fan following means fame and fame bring in modern world money.

A YouTube channel who upload consistent video with proper research and having a fixed period of time that clearly shows YouTube promote them more and other wise inconsistent YouTube video uploads channel.

Hump Method

A viewers and subscriber hump or jump this thing literally know by everyone but never took seriously and there is always a fixed period of time, may be a uploading of video, a festival season, because of Google and any reason behind, let me explain more briefly.

There is big jump in number of viewers sometimes, right ! everything happen have a reason behind, just you need figure out and may be you created a trending video with right keyword research and thumbnail so on and therefore .

this what triggers your channel make it viral keep repeat those things when a new channel started uploading videos that is one of the taught job is get views then some time passes your videos started rank and increase in number of subscribers.

At that time keep going  with movement  consistent quality content and create a schedule where upload videos .

6. Keep Engage viewers

A Viewer who is finding a video on "how to create robot.txt file" where search results come upon him then tap on first video and after watched and suddenly Goes back after that he exit from YouTube even found useful rather than subscribing a particular channel this thing which happens with everyone on YouTube .

At point of time when unique viewer watching robot.txt video if ask him to checkout this video where how to rank no.1 on Google or something which can relate with topic or category then there is probability increase insteaded quitting youtube.

is that you need know to get more subscriber ?

My answer Not at all, This is one of the method which still works great .

What about those viewers who already subscribed your channel and how to engage them stay with channel ?

In video may be as your preference ask new viewer in starting of video and at the end of video ask them on which topic they want a new video by giving some options.

 its recommend that instead of making a long video make in parts  where each topic have decent number of search so we don't need to depend solely on same viewers.

Generally a interesting video where having good engagement (which can be checked on analytics section) then people gonna love a series or parts of video to stay tuned with channel .

7. Forums Means Instead Subscribers

 Forums is definitely a good source dive lots of viewer to your YouTube channel thats still works great in 2019 and Google insight say's Those traffic came from Forum website to your website's have low bounce rate then other sources like Direct search.

But How a bounce rate related for your YouTube channel ?

A Bounce rate is When a person visit to particular website from some random source and jumped back spending time less than a minute.

Now here think as this kind visitors watch your channel video for same time which means video time is very low and its bad.

why ? because YouTube never promotes those video watch time has lower than in same category nor going to rank on YouTube.

How to use forums [The Right Method]

generally we hear about it this word Forums and visit to any forums website start answering questions with linking back to YouTube videos or website.

but ask your self its right method, how many other people going to view same question and ultimately what will be Conversation rate ?

Nope, this is not right Method, most probably max one hundred views on question but will click on your video link ?

 Most of the people don't click on links in forum because they look for direct answer and very rarely going rank in google until hundreds of people answering same question including few factors.

Now, You need be very selective to answering questions and there many sites available but which i use personally forum website are Quora and Reddit.

truth me this websites is enough to get traffice which can down any website.

Here suppose you made video on this keyword "How to Get 1000 subscriber on YouTube"  after create a account in forum website then open in new tab and search in Google "Keyword+Forum website name".

From very first page results start answer questions why ? because if you scroll down to bottom thier have near Hundreds of answers and thousands answer views or more that depends on topice and this answer views one of my answers.

Quora stats report

How to Answer forum questions ?

let me explain by previous question where i answered a question having very good views with good number of conversation rate (Almost 49 Percent) and Engagement is also high.

answer should not written very long nor short at least have one hundred words with proper explanation.

Quora answer

if notice in first line written positively then their cons where cons should highlight ( forgotten Do that ) And at the end give link as shown without asking to click link ( just write what you have done).

8.  Do some cleaning 

Do some house cleaning job you're self to get right now those Choosey subscriber.

A subscriber always look for quality YouTube channel which help him get on particular decision making right !

If A video is not performing well in YouTube and even not able 1k views than make it private or delete because YouTube is not promoting any more may be reason can be different.

How to know which should video take action ?

its easy job look at date when published video and views then compare with other video and also consider last 28 days performance of a video.

its enough time make any assumption on it and its okay some videos performs better than expectations and other not.

9.  5 mint +  Videos

In YouTube its one of the main factors consideration for video and if you notice YouTube promotes more those long videos.

Reason:- YouTube want to viewer stick  with website and a short video means less profitability and low engagement and if a video is long duration after watching a viewers watch next video from same YouTube channel tha gives postive singles with  those viewers has highly probably turn into subscriber's.

Don't Compromise with quality

From starting when we heard about long videos works best then start make it without acknowledging our content if i want to make short video that means having short topic to explain .

instead making it long by adding some gibberish things that occurs less interested toward viewer and they start skip your video means less engagment on video.


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