Happy New Year Script for blogger [WhatsApp viral script]
New year is about a month left but worry not we got lastest new year script for blogger which free to everyone . How to Use New Year script Step 1. To get started you need have this new year script which can be downloaded by clicking on below download button . Step 2. it redirect to all festival wishing script afterwards select new year script will open drive where see can click download button to get script. Step 3. Create new blog with unique url then consider to setup a domain from freedom or any other free domain website. Step 4. Open notepad ++ or any code editor then replace sharrer button url with your blog url. Step 5. Copy all script code then to blogger theme and click on edit them before any further select second cantempo theme. Step 6. Scroll bottom click revert to classic then again revert to classic and make sure turn off header . Step 7. Now paste your copied code and click on save button hold few seconds until see successful saved then ...